


正颚手术原本是设计来改善患者的咬合以及外观,但在治疗阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止的这个领域,正颚手术(上下颚骨的前移)(Maxillo-Mandibular Advancement/MMA)变成是拉紧塌陷(松弛)肌肉的手段,而非目的,外观及咬合的改善变成是上下颚骨前移的附加价值。

  • Maxillomandibular advancement (MMA) is a surgical procedure used to treat severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Here's how it works:
  • Expansion of Airway: MMA involves moving the upper and lower jaws (maxilla and mandible) forward. This expansion increases the size of the airway, reducing the likelihood of it collapsing during sleep. 
  • Stabilization: By advancing the jaws, the soft tissues and muscles around the airway are also pulled forward, which helps stabilize the airway and keeps it open.
  • Improved Airflow: The increased space and stabilization result in better airflow, reducing the occurrence of apnea events (breathing pauses) and hypopnea events (shallow breathing).



Orthognathic surgery was originally designed to improve the patient's occlusion and appearance. However, in the field of treating obstructive sleep apnea, orthognathic surgery (maxillo-mandibular advancement/MMA) has become a means to tighten collapsed (loosened) muscles rather than the purpose itself. The improvement in appearance and occlusion has become an added value of maxillo-mandibular advancement. By tightening the upper airway muscles, the airway becomes stable and less likely to collapse during sleep, thus remaining unobstructed. From the preoperative and postoperative photos and CT scans of the patients, it can be seen that orthognathic surgery fixes the maxilla and mandible forward (away from the spine), tightening the muscles behind the upper and lower jaw bones. The soft palate muscles, tongue muscles, hyoid bone, and suprahyoid muscles are also significantly pulled forward, away from the posterior pharyngeal wall. The facial soft tissue envelope is supported, and the occlusion is also improved.

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AHI(呼吸暂停指数)从36.5降为0.9(学术上定义AHI如果20以下为手术成功,5以下为手术治愈),最低血氧浓度从67%,升高到91%。除了这些睡眠指标的改善,最重要的是,患者本身感觉手术后,睡眠品质大增,已没有日间嗜睡的问题,精神变好也更有活力! ! !

The AHI (apnea-hypopnea index) decreased from 36.5 to 0.9 (defined as surgical success if AHI is below 20, and surgical cured if below 5). The lowest blood oxygen concentration increased from 67% to 91%. In addition to these improvements in sleep indicators, the most important thing is that the patient feels that the quality of sleep has greatly increased after the surgery, no longer has daytime sleepiness, and feels more energetic and vibrant!

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  1. 请依照医师及护理人员指示,定期服药、注意饮食忌讳及维持伤口清洁。
  2. 术后可能有出血,感染,发炎等并发症,根据个人体质差异其程度有所不同,需加小心护理,若上述情况发生请尽快与我们联络。
  3. 术后3~6个月手术部位会暂时性知觉迟缓、表情较不自然为正常现象;透过自主按摩及表情练习,大部分患者术后6~12个月将逐渐好转。
  4. 麻醉有其一定风险,与患者自身身体状况有关,患者需诚实且清楚地向治疗医师及麻醉科医师报告健康状态及治疗历史,切勿有所隐瞒。
  5. 建议术前与医师沟通并清楚表达治疗需求,惟术后外观美感属于主观认定范围,不得作为手术成果判断根据。
  6. 手术成效因人而异,需由专业医师评估。案例图片经当事人授权同意公开使用做为诊疗的辅助说明、卫生教育及医疗知识分享,仅供参考。